@Missing_Oren Hi. My name is Oren and I am 9 years old - #Worrying disappearance
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@Missing_Oren Hi. My name is Oren and I am 9 years old - #Worrying disappearance

My dad, my teacher, my friends tell me I’m honest, gentle and upfront, always ready to share. My classmates and my friends say I’ve got charisma. I’m always ready with a smile and joke... The list could go on.


My dad, my little brother, my friends, my nanny, my teacher - they’re missing all those things I share with them, all those little moments of everyday life … I’m missing them too.

 My teacher would tell you that at Monday morning assembly, my classmates were very shocked by the news, it made them very sad.

 What news? Well actually, I’m missing… it’s been 30 days now.

In fact, I have been abducted by my mum.

I know my mum and dad don’t talk any more.

And my mum is always really angry. And me, every time she’s angry, I cry.

I haven't done anything wrong. I haven't done anything to deserve it.

I just want to go home to see my dad again and hug my little brother Sacha. I’d like to see Mourrriel again too (that’s my step-mother. She’s called Muriel, but I like to call her Mourrriel), and my grandma and my aunts and uncles.

Every day since then, my school friends ask Vanessa, my teacher, when I’ll be back... I’d like to know when I’ll get to see them again, too.

 But I don’t know how? Help me get back to my house, my friends. I’m scared here. I don’t know anyone.

This would probably be what Oren would say, if he had the freedom to express himself. But he hasn’t!

All we have left of Oren is some photos, some videos of him having fun, his empty plate on the table, his cold, empty bed…

A wanted notice and an arrest warrant have been issued against his mother. The French Gendarmerie and the National Police are searching for Oren, just as you and I are.


Here is what has been published on 116000. Photos and announcements can only appear here with authorisation and approval from the police. This proves this is a genuine case of a missing child: http://www.116000enfantsdisparus.fr/avis-de-recherche/disparitions-en-cours/disparitions-en-cours.html?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=1001&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=8868&cHash=dacca13ef7


My duty as a father is to do everything in my power to ensure that my son, Oren, can get back home.

He can’t do it on his own.

Oren, despite his strength of character and energy, despite his love of life… is a frightened child.

The earth already opened up under his feet when we got divorced.

A break up has a very different impact on adults, but it is terribly destabilizing for the child, certainly it was for Oren… Where I went wrong: Not knowing how to tell him, thinking that at 3 ½ years old, Oren would be too young to understand.

The impact on Oren was so great that he developed a fear of separation; separation, even for a moment, is traumatic. He is terribly scared…

So he needs me, us… and we, we need YOU more than ever!

Oren has not been home now for 30 days.

Today, our house is deprived of his laughter.

Today, our table is missing his presence.

Today, our nights are full of stifled tears and our days full of turmoil.

Help him.

Help Oren to get back home, back to school, to get free.

Help me.

Never could our family have imagined it could experience such a terrible ordeal.

It could have happened to any of us, it could be all our stories.

Don’t let’s treat it as just another news item…We are talking about the life of a child and his mother, his fate, her psychological health.

So we’re asking for a few minutes of your time to help us get Oren and his mum back.

I am wishing hard that you can give us a little of your time to take action to help find Oren:

  • Use your levers of influence within your networks:

For example, we’re looking for media coverage.

If you know any journalists... Bloggers... If you are in the media... Help us to publish an article. Help us to get on the radio, on TV. Contact Oren’s dad directly, send him a private message on https://www.facebook.com/missing.oren/

Or simply www.missing-oren.fr

We are also looking for people who have the influence within the embassies, within public authorities, here in France and particularly abroad, to reduce as much as possible the time it takes to action any requests for international mutual assistance that France may make to other states/countries.

You should be aware that putting international mutual assistance in place takes several months, even between allied countries, just when speed of action is called for. 

  • Share the Wanted notices. You can forward, print or download them from our Facebook page or from Twitter:



Sadly, we are almost certain that Oren has left France, but we don’t know where he has been taken.

Spreading these Wanted notices to other countries would increase our chances of being able to get Oren and his mum back, healthy and safe.

For example, we would like these Wanted notices to be displayed in chemists and pharmacies, in any country...

Studies show that we go to the pharmacist’s more often than the doctor’s...

If you have any other ideas, we are open to them. Let us know.

We just want to be able to hold Oren in our arms again and tell him that we love him.


Thank you.




Oren’s dad.

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